Launch of Youth 4 Entrepreneurship Gozo

1st Jul 2024

On July 1, 2024, the Gozo Business Chamber, Europe Direct Gozo Aġenzija Żgħażagħ hosted the launch webinar for the Youth4Entrepreneurship – Gozo 2024. The event, which was presented by Jennifer Cauchi from Aġenzija Żgħażagħ, featured expert insights and inspiring experiences from past participants. The webinar included a keynote by Luke Said on the significance of waste reduction, moderated discussions by Jennifer Cauchi and Charles Micallef from Aġenzija Żgħażagħ, and the official launch of the year’s theme, “Waste Hackers,” presented by Daniel Borg, CEO of the Gozo Business Chamber.

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Launch of Youth 4 Entrepreneurship Gozo

Webinar – Gozo Business Sentiment

14th Jun 2024

On the 14 June 2024 between 10:00 and 11:00 hrs the Gozo Business Chamber and the Gozo Regional Development Authority organised the ‘Gozo Business Sentiment’ webinar.

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Webinar – Gozo Business Sentiment

Empowering Young Changemakers: The GBC’s Public Speaking Training Initiative

10th Apr 2024

The Gozo Business Chamber (GBC) has recently launched its “What’s In It For Me?” project, an initiative co-financed by the European Parliament. The project aims to empower young people to become active citizens and encourage participation in upcoming elections amongst two distinct groups: youths and parents with young children.

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Empowering Young Changemakers: The GBC’s Public Speaking Training Initiative

Webinar – ESG for SMEs

22nd Mar 2024

On Friday 22nd March, the Gozo Business Chamber in collaboration Weave Consulting and Bank of Valletta, organised a webinar on ‘ESG for SMEs’.

ESG principles, which stand for Environmental, Social, and Governance, can benefit small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in various ways. Implementing ESG practices can enhance sustainability, improve risk management, and contribute to long-term success. Read More

Webinar – ESG for SMEs

Gozo Business Chamber – AGM

21st Feb 2024

On the  21st February 2024 the Gozo Business Chamber held its  Annual General Meeting (AGM) at the Queen Mary University of London, Malta Campus, Victoria.  This year’s AGM also saw the election of the new council members for the period 2024-2025.

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Gozo Business Chamber – AGM

Crossing Borders: Bridging the Age Gap Event

2nd Feb 2024

The Gozo Business Chamber (GBC) held its event, “Crossing Borders: Business Leaders Bridging the Age Gap,”  on the 2nd February 2024 at Queen Mary University of London from 18:00 to 21:00 hrs.

This unique event brought together industry experts from the fields of Marketing, Tax and Law together with the business leaders of tomorrow with the aim of fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange. Read More

Crossing Borders: Bridging the Age Gap Event

Youth4Entrepreneurship – Gozo – 2023

17th Nov 2023

The Gozo Business Chamber in collaboration with EUROPE DIRECT Gozo, the Gozo Regional Development Authority, Aġenzija Żgħażagħ and Bank of Valletta held the fifth edition of the ‘Youth 4 Entrepreneurship Gozo’ event. The event was held on Friday 17 November 2023 at the Kempinski Hotel San Lawrenz. This event formed part of the events organised during the SME Week. Read More

Youth4Entrepreneurship – Gozo – 2023

Ethics in Business Conference – Putting Corporate Social Responsibility into Practice

27th Oct 2023

On Friday 27th October, the Gozo Business Chamber organised the 3rd Conference on ‘Ethics in Business’ with the theme ‘Putting Corporate Social Responsibility into Practice’.  The objective of the conference was to discuss the responsibility of businesses in the communities in which they operate, and what should motivate actions under CSR. Read More

Ethics in Business Conference – Putting Corporate Social Responsibility into Practice

Launch for the Youth4Entrepreneurship – Gozo – 2023

15th Jun 2023

On Thursday 15 June, the Gozo Business Chamber in collaboration with EUROPE DIRECT Gozo, Aġenzija Żgħażagħ and the Gozo Regional Development Authority held a webinar to launch the 5th edition of the Youth4Entrepreneurship Gozo. Read More

Launch for the Youth4Entrepreneurship – Gozo – 2023

Seminar Work Life Balance

21st Apr 2023

On Friday 21 April, the Gozo Business Chamber in collaboration with EUROPE DIRECT Gozo and Bank of Valletta, organised a seminar on ‘Work Life Balance’ at Arka Foundation Hall, Għajnsielem. Read More

Seminar Work Life Balance

Webinar – The role of Data Analytics in Organisations

30th Mar 2023

On Thursday 30 March, the Gozo Business Chamber, in collaboration with EUROPE DIRECT Gozo and Bank of Valletta,  organised a webinar on ‘The role of Data Analytics in Organisations’.

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Webinar – The role of Data Analytics in Organisations

Webinar ESG For Business

3rd Mar 2023

On Friday 03 March, the Gozo Business Chamber, in collaboration with Bank of Valletta, organised its first webinar for this year ‘ESG for Business’.

ESG stands for “Environmental, Social and Governance” criteria. These criteria refer to a set of non-financial initiatives that reflect a business entity’s impact on the environment and society. On the 5th January 2023 the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) entered into force. The CSRD is the standard on which companies in the European Union will be reporting on ESG criteria. This means that large companies and listed SMEs will now have to report on ESG issues going forward. It is also important to note that the obligations emanating from the CSRD will also extend to companies who are in business with those who have obligations under this Directive. Read More

Webinar ESG For Business

GBC Annual General Meeting

9th Feb 2023

On the  09 February 2023 the Gozo Business Chamber held its  Annual General Meeting (AGM) at the Queen Mary University of London, Malta Campus in Victoria, Gozo. Read More

GBC Annual General Meeting

Youth 4 Entrepreneurship – Gozo – 2022

11th Nov 2022

The Gozo Business Chamber, in collaboration with the Ministry for the Economy, European Funds and Lands, the Gozo Regional Development Authority, Aġenzija Żgħażagħ, Bank of Valletta, and EUROPE DIRECT Gozo, has organized the fourth edition of the ‘Youth 4 Entrepreneurship Gozo’ event. Read More

Youth 4 Entrepreneurship – Gozo – 2022

Ethics in Business – Development and Self-Interest

20th Oct 2022

On Thursday 20th October, the Gozo Business Chamber in collaboration with the Diocese of Gozo, the Foundation Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice, and Bank of Valletta organised the second conference on Ethics in Business which this year tackled ‘Development and Self-Interest’.  The Conference was held at the Sacred Heart Major Seminary, in Victoria. The main speaker form the event was Daniel Darmanin from the Centesimus Annus Foundation, who is also the current President of the Justice and Peace Commission. Read More

Ethics in Business – Development and Self-Interest

Information Session – Beverage Container Refund Scheme

14th Oct 2022

On Friday 14 October, the Gozo Business Chamber in collaboration with BCRS Malta, Circular Economy Malta, and the Gozo Tourism Association organised an information session on the Beverage Container Refund Scheme. Presentations by Ing Edward Chetcuti (CEO of BCRS Malta Ltd), and Ing. Jason Vella (CEO of Circular Economy Malta) provided an overview of how the system, which is going to come into place on the 14th November, is going to work. An interesting question and answer session followed the presentations.

Information Session – Beverage Container Refund Scheme

Launch of Digital Platform ‘Timeline Gozo’

30th Sep 2022

On Friday 30 September, 2022 the Gozo Business Chamber launched the Digital Platform ‘Timeline Gozo’!  A special word of thanks goes to our partners on this project, Harbour Solutions Ltd and the Mnarja Band Club. Read More

Launch of Digital Platform ‘Timeline Gozo’

Webinar Assisting Businesses: The Business Enhance Grant Schemes

8th Aug 2022

On the 8th August 2022 the Gozo Business Chamber in collaboration with Bank of Valletta held the webinar on the ‘Business Enhance Grant Schemes’ administered by the Measures and Support Division.  The Business Enhance Grant Schemes include also the last three schemes emanating from the Recovery and Resilience Facility i.e. the SME Digitalisation Grant Scheme, the Digital Intensification Grant Scheme, and the Renovation of Private Sector Buildings Grant Scheme, which have higher thresholds of funding for Gozitan based businesses.  Read More

Webinar Assisting Businesses: The Business Enhance Grant Schemes

Business Seminar: Creating Added Value for Businesses and NGOs through Digitalisation

29th Jul 2022

Creating Added Value for Businesses and NGOs through Digitalisation

The Gozo Business Chamber organised two sessions on ‘Creating Added Value for Businesses and NGOs through Digitalisation’.  This initiative was part of the project in which the Gozo Business Chamber is taking part through the Leader Programme (Rural Development Programme 2014 – 2020) administered by the Gozo Action Group Foundation.  The measure targeted through this project is “Gozo in 21st Century Media”.  It involves the development of an ICT media platform for the valorisation of Gozitan lifestyle concept.

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Business Seminar: Creating Added Value for Businesses and NGOs through Digitalisation

Webinar Is Carbon Free Transport possible for Gozo? The Contribution of the Business Sector

28th Apr 2022

On Thursday 28 April, the Gozo Business Chamber and EUROPE DIRECT Gozo in collaboration with Bank of Valletta, and the Foundation for Transport will be organised a webinar ‘Is Carbon Free Transport possible for Gozo? The Contribution of the Business Sector’.

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Webinar Is Carbon Free Transport possible for Gozo? The Contribution of the Business Sector

Webinar Business Incentives for Gozitan Based Enterprises

8th Apr 2022

On Friday 08 April, the Gozo Business Chamber in collaboration with Bank of Valletta, Malta Enterprise, and the Ministry for Gozo organised a webinar on ‘Business Incentives for Gozitan Based Enterprises’.

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Webinar Business Incentives for Gozitan Based Enterprises

Annual General Meeting

23rd Feb 2022

On the  23 February 2022 the Gozo Business Chamber held its  Annual General Meeting (AGM) at the Queen Mary University Campus in Victoria, Gozo.  The introductory part was dedicated to the commemoration of the memory of Marlene Muscat, former EUROPE DIRECT manager who passed away in November of last year.  The Chamber is the host structure of this office.  Daniel Borg highlighted the crucial role of Marlene Muscat in the set-up of this office as we know it today. Read More

Annual General Meeting

Webinar: Digital Payment Solutions for Business

4th Feb 2022

The Gozo Business Chamber in collaboration with Bank of Valletta organised its first webinar for 2022 on ‘Digital Payments Solutions for Business’.

New regulations on the use of cheques and bank drafts came into force in 1st January 2022 following the issuance of Directive 19 by the Central Bank of Malta.

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Youth 4 Entrepreneurship – Gozo – 2021

12th Nov 2021

Youth 4 Entrepreneurship – Gozo – 2021

The Gozo Business Chamber, in collaboration with the Ministry for the Economy, and Industry, the Gozo Regional Development Authority, Aġenzija Żgħażagħ, Bank of Valletta, and EUROPE DIRECT Gozo, has organized the third edition of the ‘Youth 4 Entrepreneurship Gozo’ event.

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Youth 4 Entrepreneurship – Gozo – 2021

Ethics in Business

29th Oct 2021

In his encyclical ‘Fratelli Tutti’ Pope Francis highlights that ‘business activity is essentially “a noble vocation directed to producing wealth and improving our world” (123).

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Ethics in Business

Webinar: Innovatively Financing Green Energy Investments

8th Jul 2021

Webinar: Innovatively Financing Green Energy Investments

On Thursday 8th July, the Gozo Business Chamber organised a webinar in collaboration with Bank of Valletta, entitled: ‘Innovatively Financing Green Energy Investments’.

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Webinar: Innovatively Financing Green Energy Investments

The Launch of the Third Generation of EUROPE DIRECT in Gozo

28th May 2021

The Gozo Business Chamber has for the third consecutive time been selected to host the one of the local structures of the Europe Direct network, for the period May 2021 to December 2025.

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The Launch of the Third Generation of EUROPE DIRECT in Gozo

Webinar – Regenerating the Economy

21st May 2021

On Friday 21st May the Gozo Business Chamber organised a webinar in collaboration with Bank of Valletta, Malta Enterprise, and the Ministry for Energy, Enterprise, and Sustainable Development entitled: ‘Regenerating the Economy: A Business Webinar on the New Malta Enterprise Schemes’.

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Webinar – Regenerating the Economy

Webinar – The Brexit Impact on Business

5th Apr 2021

On Monday 5th April,  the Gozo Business Chamber conducted its second webinar for 2021: ‘The Brexit Impact on Business’. The webinar discussed the ‘Trade and Cooperation Agreement’, and the practical impact of Brexit on areas such as Customs and VAT.

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Webinar – The Brexit Impact on Business

Webinar – Women in Entrepreneurship and Business

11th Mar 2021

The Gozo Business Chamber in collaboration with Bank of Valletta organised a webinar on Women in Entrepreneurship and Business on the 11 March 2021 at 14:00 hrs.

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Webinar – Women in Entrepreneurship and Business

Annual General Meeting

25th Feb 2021

On the 25th February the Gozo Business Chamber held its Annual General Meeting at the Auditorium of the Queen Mary University of London Campus in Gozo.

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Annual General Meeting

Meeting at the Gozo Business Chamber’s Office with Hon Clayton Bartolo, Minister for Tourism and Consumer Protection

5th Jan 2021

Representatives from the Gozo Business Chamber met with Hon Clayton Bartolo, Minister for Tourism and Consumer Protection.

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Meeting at the Gozo Business Chamber’s Office with Hon Clayton Bartolo, Minister for Tourism and Consumer Protection

Meeting at the Gozo Business Chamber’s Offices with Hon MEP Cyrus Engerer

4th Jan 2021

Representatives of the Gozo Business Chamber have met with the Hon. Member of the European Parliament Cyrus Engerer.

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Meeting at the Gozo Business Chamber’s Offices with Hon MEP Cyrus Engerer

Youth 4 Entrepreneurship – Gozo – 2020

6th Nov 2020

Youth 4 Entrepreneurship – Gozo – 2020

The Gozo Business Chamber, in collaboration with Aġenzija Żgħażagħ, Bank of Valletta, the Europe Direct Information Centre (Gozo), and the Ministry for the Econoomy, Investment, and Small Businesses has organised the second edition of the Youth4Entrepreneurship – Gozo 2020.

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Youth 4 Entrepreneurship – Gozo – 2020

Crowdfunding for Blue Economy Projects

23rd Oct 2020

Crowdfunding for Blue Economy Projects

INSULEUR (Insular Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the European Union), organised a webinar, assisted by the Gozo Business Chamber and Rethymno Development Agency, as part of the project entitled ‘Capacity Building of Blue Economy Stakeholders to Effectively use Crowdfunding’

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Crowdfunding for Blue Economy Projects

5th Webinar: Digitalisation and Businesses – A Post COVID-19 Scenario

3rd Jul 2020

Webinar organised by the Gozo Business Chamber, in collaboration with Microsoft Malta, and Bank of Valletta

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5th Webinar: Digitalisation and Businesses – A Post COVID-19 Scenario

4th Webinar being organised by the GBC in collaboration with BoV

18th Jun 2020

Trade Finance: Navigating COVID-19

The Gozo Business Chamber (GBC) organised its fourth webinar on Thursday 19 June at 12:00 hrs.

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4th Webinar being organised by the GBC in collaboration with BoV

Third Webinar organised by the GBC in collaboration with BOV

25th May 2020

Stress within Management Roles in COVID-19 times

The Gozo Business Chamber (GBC) organised its third webinar on Monday 25 May at 16:00 hrs.

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Third Webinar organised by the GBC in collaboration with BOV

Second Webinar organised by the GBC in collaboration with BOV & MDB

14th May 2020

BOV – MDB COVID-19 Assist

The Gozo Business Chamber has organised its second webinar on Thursday 14 May at 10:00 am.

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Second Webinar organised by the GBC in collaboration with BOV & MDB

Webinar ‘How is Malta Enterprise assisting Businesses during COVID-19: Keeping you informed’

28th Apr 2020

On Tuesday 28 April, the Gozo Businss Chamber in collaboration with Bank of Valletta, and Malta Enterprise organised a webinar ‘How is Malta Enterprise assisting Businesses during COVID-19: Keeping you informed’ with the participation of Marika Tonna, CEO of Business First. Read More

Webinar ‘How is Malta Enterprise assisting Businesses during COVID-19: Keeping you informed’

Family Business Office Regulator one-to-one meetings

17th Mar 2020

Family Business Office Regulator One-to-one meetings at the Gozo Business Chamber

Following the Family Business Event held on the 08th January 2020, the Family Business Office Regulator Dr Joseph Gerada will be visiting our offices on Tuesday 17th March to hold one-to-one meetings  with Gozitan business entities. Read More

Annual General Meeting

27th Feb 2020

The Gozo Business Chamber held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Thursday 27th February at the Queen Mary University of London Malta Campus in Victoria, Gozo. Read More

Annual General Meeting

Meeting with GBC representatives and the Minister responsible for Sustainable Development and Social Dialogue Hon Carmelo Abela

27th Feb 2020

Hon Carmelo Abela, the Minister responsible for Sustainable Development and Social Dialogue, visited the Gozo Business Chamber’s premises on the 27th February 2020.  Read More

Meeting with GBC representatives and the Minister responsible for Sustainable Development and Social Dialogue Hon Carmelo Abela

Meeting between the Minister for the Economy, Investment and Small Business Hon. Silvio Schembri 

20th Feb 2020

On the 20th February 2020 the Gozo Chamber of Commerce had an important meeting with the Minister for the Economy, Investment and Small Business Hon. Silvio Schembri.  Read More

Meeting between the Minister for the Economy, Investment and Small Business Hon. Silvio Schembri 

Employers Information Session to promote employment for disability and vulnerable groups

23rd Jan 2020

Last week an Employers Information Session was held by Jobs Plus, in collaboration with the Gozo Business Chamber, at the Institute of Tourism Studies, in Qala. Read More

Employers Information Session to promote employment for disability and vulnerable groups

Prime Minister Dr Robert Abela visits the premises of the Gozo Business Chamber and holds meeting with the Council

18th Jan 2020

The Gozo Business Chamber had a positive meeting in its offices in Gozo with the Prime Minister of Malta, the Honourable Dr Robert Abela, and the Minister for Gozo, the Honourable Dr Justyne Caruana.  Various themes were discussed including the issues of governance and Gozo’s needs.  Read More

Prime Minister Dr Robert Abela visits the premises of the Gozo Business Chamber and holds meeting with the Council

The Gozo Business Chamber hosts a number of students participating in an Erasmus Project

15th Jan 2020

On the 15th January 2020 the Gozo Business Chamber hosted a number of youths of various
nationalities, at its offices, who are currently participating in an Erasmus project being coordinated by
the Ministry for Gozo. Read More

The Gozo Business Chamber hosts a number of students participating in an Erasmus Project

GBC’s 20th year anniversary – Commemorative Evening

10th Jan 2020

The Gozo Business Chamber celebrated its 20th year anniversary at the San Lawrenz Kempinski Hotel, the same venue where 20 years ago the public deed which constituted the same organisation was signed. Read More

GBC’s 20th year anniversary – Commemorative Evening

Family Business Event

8th Jan 2020

An information session on initiatives in favour of family businesses was held jointly between the Family Business Office, the Ministry for Gozo, and the Gozo Business Chamber.

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Family Business Event

Youths 4 Entrepreneurship

15th Nov 2019

Youths 4 Entrepreneurship held on Friday 15th November 2019

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Youths 4 Entrepreneurship

INSULEUR Forum 2019

25th Oct 2019

On the 24th and the 25th October the INSULEUR General Assembly and Forum were held at the Grand Hotel, Mġarr Gozo. Foreign Delegates from Greece, Spain, France, Italy and Jersey attended the events.

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INSULEUR Forum 2019

Tax Incentives related to Corporate and Personal Pensions

26th Sep 2019

A half-day seminar on ‘Tax Incentives – Corporate and Personal Pensions’ was organised by Bank of Valletta in collaboration with the Gozo Business Chamber on the 26th September 2019 at the Institute of Tourism Studies in Qala (Gozo).  The seminar provided information on retirement and tax incentives on corporate and personal pensions.

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Tax Incentives related to Corporate and Personal Pensions

Information Session: Financing Gozitan Businesses to Prosper

5th Jul 2019

On the 5 July 2019, Bank of Valletta (BOV), and the Malta Development Bank (MDB) in collaboration with the Gozo Business Chamber organised an information session entitled ‘Financing Gozitan business to prosper’ at the ITS in Qala.

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Information Session: Financing Gozitan Businesses to Prosper

Information Seminar: The Importance of VET trainers in Green Skills Competencies in the Construction Sector

10th Jun 2019

On the 10 June 2019 the Gozo Business Chamber in collaboration with MIEMA organised an information seminar on the importance of VET (Vocational education and training)

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Information Seminar: The Importance of VET trainers in Green Skills Competencies in the Construction Sector

Presentation to a Group of Students from Bournmouth University

15th Mar 2019

On Friday 15th March the CEO of the Gozo Business Chamber Mr Daniel Borg delivered a presentation on Gozo’s socio-economic scenario to a group of 43 students and 4 lecturers from Bournemouth University. The presentation was held at the Citadel Cultural Centre at the Sentinella. Students and lecturers had the opportunity to ask questions on various topics and issues relating to Gozo.

Presentation to a Group of Students from Bournmouth University

Annual General Meeting

28th Feb 2019

On the 28 February 2019 the Gozo Business Chamber organised its Annual General Meeting at the Tiġrija Palazz Victoria (Gozo). Following the meeting there was also a presentation on the subsea tunnel between Malta and Gozo, delivered by Dr Franco Mercieca.

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Annual General Meeting

Information Session by CIR on the online submission of FS5 & VAT Return

25th Jan 2019

The Gozo Business Chamber in collaboration with the Commissioner for Revenue held an information session on “ Measures regarding the online submission of VAT for all the companies and sole proprietors employing 10 or more employees, and FSS end of year online submission for employers employing 10 or more employees “.

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Information Session by CIR on the online submission of FS5 & VAT Return

Customs National Import System (NIS) Training in Gozo

20th Nov 2018

The Gozo Business Chamber in collaboration with the Ministry for Gozo is organising,  once again a Customs National System (NIS) course in Gozo over 2 days.

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Customs National Import System (NIS) Training in Gozo

SME Week Exploring new Funding Options

15th Nov 2018

VENUE: Calypso Hotel, Marsalforn Bay, Gozo

SME Week Exploring new Funding Options

BuS Trainers 5th Partnership Meeting

7th Nov 2018

The Gozo Business Chamber is one of eleven Partners taking part in a project funded from Erasmus+ called The Building up green Skills for Trainers from the Construction Industry.

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BuS Trainers 5th Partnership Meeting

How to Instigate a Culture Change in Occupational Health and Safety – A German Perspective

12th Oct 2018

The Gozo Business Chamber and the German Embassy organised a seminar on ‘how to investigate culture change in occupational health and safety

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How to Instigate a Culture Change in Occupational Health and Safety – A German Perspective

Family Business Breakfast

18th Sep 2018

According to the Family Business Institute, whilst 88% of family business owners believe the same family or families will control their business in five years time,

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Family Business Breakfast

Launch of New Jobs Scheme

5th Jul 2018

Gozo Minister Justyne Caruana and Finance Minister Edward Scicluna launched a scheme of refund for employment in Gozo at the new offices of the Gozo Business Chamber in Victoria.

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Launch of New Jobs Scheme

Leveraging EU Funds – A Development Bank perspective

31st May 2018

The setting up of the Malta Development Bank could play a key role in leveraging EU funds for Malta.  The blending of Malta government guarantees via the Malta Development Banks together with EU guarantees could facilitate private investment in long term strategic investments and SMEs.

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Family business: Transfer of Ownership

1st May 2018

The Gozo Business Chamber in collaboration with the Ministry for the Economy, Investment and Small Business and Malta Enterprise is holding an Information Session to : Identify main obstacles for a successful transfer. Identify the reasons for failed business transfers. Identify which businesses are most vulnerable to transfer failure. Propose business support and policy solutions.

Seminar on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

17th Apr 2018

The Gozo Business Chamber in collaboration with ACT Advisory Services Limited held a seminar on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). ACT is a Maltese firm of Accountants and tax advisors, who has a presence in Gozo through its office in Victoria.

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Doing Business with Japan – Opportunities for Gozitan Enterprises

27th Mar 2018

The Gozo Business Chamber together with Malta Japan Chamber of Commerce and in collaboration with the Ministry for Gozo organised this event to give the Gozitan Business entrepreneurs the opportunity to learn what doing business with Japan involves.

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Doing Business with Japan – Opportunities for Gozitan Enterprises

Information Session Combatting Counterfeiting

20th Jan 2017

The Central Bank of Malta, has launched the campaign, ‘WE CHECK BANKNOTES’, which involves the sustained education and training of all workers who handle cash during their daily duties.

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Information Session Combatting Counterfeiting