On Thursday 15 June, the Gozo Business Chamber in collaboration with EUROPE DIRECT Gozo, Aġenzija Żgħażagħ and the Gozo Regional Development Authority held a webinar to launch the 5th edition of the Youth4Entrepreneurship Gozo.
Rebecca Cardona from Aġenzija Żgħażagħ moderated the event. Jesmond Buttigieg, Manager of EUROPE DIRECT Gozo, introduced the webinar highlighting the importance of the entrpreneurial aspect. A panel discussion then ensued. Panelists Nicholas Dingli, Lara Sultana, Enzo Giordanella, Casey Caruana discussed the impact of the lack of youth spaces on young people in Gozo, and how this can affect their personal and social development. They also discussed the potential benefits of investing in youth spaces in Gozo, both for young people and for the wider community. An important element that came out of the discussion is that a space is not defined by a physical or fixed location but is defined by the interactions that occur within it. Panelist Daniel Sultana also discussed his experience during last year’s event. Daniel Borg, discussed the challenges faced by young entrepreneurs in Gozo. He also recounted how this idea had its beginning from the Chamber’s desire to reach youth. Daniel Borg then delivered a presentation on the contest.
You can download the agenda here.
You can watch the webinar here.
If you are interested to know more about the contest you can find more information here.
The presentations can be downloaded through the following links: