On Tuesday 28 April, the Gozo Businss Chamber in collaboration with Bank of Valletta, and Malta Enterprise organised a webinar ‘How is Malta Enterprise assisting Businesses during COVID-19: Keeping you informed’ with the participation of Marika Tonna, CEO of Business First.

Daniel Borg, CEO of the Gozo Business Chamber introduced the webinar.  Albert Frendo, Chief Credit Officer of Bank of Valletta delivered an introductory message on behalf of BOV.  In his speech Joseph Borg, President of the Chamber highlighted how: “The COVID-19 pandemic has been the cause of these extraordinary times but it is also extraordinary that we are meeting on this medium.  A well-attended meeting, but none of us has moved from his office or his home; sign of the new times we are living.  I have said ‘extraordinary times’.  Since the start of the pandemic the Gozo Business Chamber, recognizing the unprecedented events that were taking place, affirmed that “Extraordinary events require an extraordinary response”.’ He also highlighted how the Chamber has protected the members’ interests during this period, and that during difficult times businesses in Gozo are the first to be hit and the last to recuperate.  Joseph Borg, also provided an overview of the initiatives taken by the Chamber, and how the Chamber is now in the phase of preparing a post-COVID-19 action plan.

Marika Tonna, provided an overview of the shemes currently administered by Malta Enterprise.  During her presentation she also outlined common difficulties and concerns.  Her presentation was followed by a Question & Answer session, where registered participants had the opportunity to ask questions on these schemes.

Daniel Borg concluded the meeting by thanking all the participants.  He also announced that the Chamber will be holding a number of webinars on useful themes during the coming weeks.

Interventation Joseph Borg, President of the Gozo Business Chamber

