Today 28 June 2023, Joseph Borg and Michael Galea, President and Vice-President of INSULEUR and Jesmond Buttigieg, Manager, within the Gozo Business Chamber took part in the INSULEUR General Assembly.
In his introduction Joseph Borg confirmed the effectiveness of the work being done by INSULEUR and the commitment to continue working for the benefit of the islands within the European Union.
During the assembly he gave an overview of the activities undertaken during the last semester including participation in the GTI Observatory Summit in the Gran Canaria and his intervention the General Assembly of the CPMR (Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions) Islands Commission.
During the Assembly the Presidency of the chamber under Joseph Borg has been extended for an additional eight months until 31 March 2024.
In his intervention Michael Galea gave an overview of the current economic situation in Gozo and the challenges its facing. Tourism, construction and real estate are presently the main contributors to Gozo’s economy. He highlighted that the economy needs to diversify in favour of new sectors such as digitalisation, education and research and renewable energy projects. Currently the Gozitan economy is experiencing a number of challenges related mainly to demographic trends and brain drain.
All the INSULEUR gave a brief background of their islands’ business environment, with accessibility, climate change, rising costs and alternative energy sources being the main challenges.
After the conclusion of the INSULEUR General Assembly, Joseph Borg also intereved during the Public Hearing organised by INSULEUR, in collaboration with the European Economic and Social Committee, the European Small Islands Federation, and the CPMR Islands Commission on ‘Building an Evidence Based knowledge for European Islands as a condition for a European Policy on islands. In his intervention he highlighted how “We need the status of islands to be recognised at all levels. But we also need proper legislative and policy measures to be in place which can help address the challenges related to insularity.”
Click here to view the agenda of the INSULEUR General Assembly
Click here to view the agenda of the EESC Public Hearing
You can read the intervention of the President, Joseph Borg, here.