On the 27th April, Daniel Borg was a speaker in the Conference organised by the Union for the Mediterranean on ‘Regional Integration and Value Chain Transition’. He participated in the panel ‘What does a Green Transition mean for regional value chains’. The panel discussed how regional and international value chains are responding to the economic pressures and geopolitical fault lines in the aftermath of the recent crises, and how they reflect a recovery scenario where just transition and low-carbon transition are conceived as building blocks of a more inclusive and sustainable global economy.
He spoke about Gozo’s reality and the current transport situation, especially within the context that better transport infrastructure allows businesses in rural and remote areas to connect to national and international product networks. He highlighted how a dedicated maritime transport link between Valletta and Mġarr would lessen the carbon footprint of commercial travel. Daniel Borg remarked how Gozo was not immune to the aftershocks of the COVID-19 pandemic, which for commercial entities on islands has meant higher accessibility. He highlighted how “we cannot a low carbon transition before we have a just transition. Both go hand in hand and at the same pace.”
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