Interview with Ms Elaine Camilleri, Tax Advisor, Compliance Specialist and member of the Gozo Business Chamber. This interview is part of the #MakeYourVoiceHeard campaign.

When did you join the GBC and why?

I  joined  the GBC in 2016 , the year in which together with my business partners back then, had extended our business by opening an office in Gozo. At the time, I believed that joining GBC would be a good opportunity to form part of a community of businesses operating in Gozo.

What are the benefits of being a member of the GBC?

Being a member of GBC brings with it a number of benefits. GBC is the voice for  businesses established in Gozo representing its members with regional, national and international organisations and authorities. The Chamber regularly provides information sessions to its members and also keeps them abreast of any matters that are of interest to them, such as for example new regulations that might affect their operations and invitations to participate in international fairs.

What do you expect of the GBC in the future?

GBC is currently doing a lot on behalf of Gozitan businesses. Therefore, all I expect of the Chamber is that it continues with its endeavour in order to safeguard businesses in Gozo by addressing issues faced by its members, whilst promoting their common interests.

Why should other businesses join?

Businesses should join GBC because in return for a small membership fee, they receive much more value! The Chamber has always been there to listen to its members and where necessary voice their concerns with the respective authorities. GBC has during its existence worked hard to keep small and medium enterprises in operation during times of difficulty such as COVID. I am sure that by joining the Chamber businesses will benefit in one way or another from what it has to offer.


Become a member of the GBC today. Make your voice heard. Click here to download membership form.

The #MakeYourVoiceHeard campaign is an initiative that is being supported by the Ministry for Gozo NGO Assistance Scheme, a funding programme for voluntary organisations on the island of Gozo.