On the 6 June 2019 Joseph Borg, GBC President, and President of INSULEUR (Network of the Insular Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the European Union) addressed the 3rd Transnational Networking Workshop of the INNOVAGRO project, in Chios Greece.
He was accompanied by Michael Galea, vice president of INSULEUR. The scope of this project is to develop an innovative network for the promotion of agro-food companies in the Adriatic-Ionian area. The project focuses on the development of links and synergies between farmers, agro-food enterprises, research Institutes and public authorities, for the: (a) promotion of agro-food products; (b) the development of agro-food companies’ internationalization; and (c) the promotion of environmentally – friendly farming practices.
To access Mr Borg’s intervention click here.